The Long Tail, poster, KASK & Conservatorium Gent,  January 2023, 594 x 841 mm, inkjet printed.

Kasper Andreasen, Isola Comacina. Art Paper Editions, October 2018, 112 x 170 mm, Offset Printed. (i.c.w. Kasper Andreasen & 6’56”)

Exhibition view, Kasper Andreasen, Isola Isola!, CONVENT, 11.01 — 27.01.2019

108 lines, participative installation for ‘Kleureyck’, an exhibition in Design Museum Ghent, curated by Siegrid Demyttenaere and Sofie Lachaert, March 2020, 1080 x 360 cm, haru tape. (IN PROCESS)

108 lines
form a grid
a grid that changes in time defines the structure
a structure to guide visitors
visitors participate by adding colour
each addition creates a new overlap
each overlap creates a new colour

Photo © Filip Dujardin